Produce safety professionals tap into a reasonable knowledge base to address many foodborne pathogens. However, we are early in our understanding of the parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis. We do know this is a public health issue at its core, but one that has affected the produce industry. Once associated with "tropical" environments, recent surveillance work shows that the organism can be found in produce around the world, prompting researchers, governments, and industry to strategize research and mitigation efforts. Join this Virtual Town Hall to gain a basic understanding of what makes Cyclospora different, and learn about the global efforts to understand and control this pathogen.
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer McEntire, Chief Food Safety & Regulatory Affairs Officer, IFPA
- Margaret Dominguez, VP Food Safety & Compliance, Soli Organic
- Dr. Gerardo (Jerry) U. Lopez, Associate Extension Specialist STEM, University of Arizona
- Dr. Lucy Robertson, Professor of Parasitology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Dr. Max Teplitski, Chief Science Officer, IFPA