May 25, 2022
Where will demand be for floral?
That’s the big question going into the summer months. Traditionally, or should I say “pre-pandemic”, we would see a significant drop off in floral demand over summer months. There are a lot of reasons for that including there being no major floral summer holidays, increased travel and less time in the home, and more. Of course, during the pandemic, the market behaved in its own way as consumers were at home more and looking to have that freshness at home.
I wouldn’t say we’re “post-pandemic” right now and I wouldn’t claim that we’re in a new normal, but we are experiencing another period of unpredictability. Right now, with inflation and the multitude of supply chain disruptions, there are a lot of variables for us to consider.
You probably should be asking yourself what some of your strategies may be to ensure that you’re still getting in front of consumers to help support demand.
Flowers have always been an impulse buy or an “affordable luxury,” and that can definitely be the case in the current market. For example, with fuel prices so high, will staycations increase? The prices of all luxury items are skyrocketing, but affordable luxuries, like flowers, can be a great win for consumers.
Focus on the consumer experience. How can we make sure that flowers remain on their shopping list? How do we help them see that floral is a necessity? Remind them that floral has a positive impact on our health and they are truly a wellness promoting product.
Merchandising will be the path to success. We know that we may get seconds to capture consumer attention so it will be key to tap into the right promotion with the right price points and value.
With that in mind, if you’re seeing major successes here, take note of those phenomenal floral marketing experts. As we head into the summer months, it’s nomination season and we cannot wait to be back in person at The Global Produce & Floral Show in October to hand out the Floral Marketer of the Year award. Keep your eye out for nominations to open soon!