Cultivate Your Relationship With Congress With Hometown In-District Tours
Share Your Success – and Photos – With Other IFPA Members
Tours allow your elected officials to see the direct impact on the economy, local community and how federal policies are impacting the growth and success of your fresh produce business. Members of Congress and their staff are precisely interested in the thoughts and opinions of their constituents back home.
Hometown in-district engagement is a vital way to provide a first-hand account and illustrate how you work, day in and day out, to provide healthy, safe and affordable food to all Americans.
1. Host a tour of your operation with help from our toolkit
2. Submit tour information here and send photos to us to commemorate the tour*
3. Post to your social media and tag #PowerOfFresh and #CongressionalConnections
*IFPA Use of Photographic Images - Submitted tour photos to IFPA may appear on the IFPA Website, newsletter, conference brochures, social media outlets, or other future IFPA promotional material. By virtue of you submitting photos, you agree to usage of your likeness in such media.
Check out highlights from our member Congressional facility tours:
Bowery Farming Tour
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA-2), House Agriculture Committee with Katie Seawell Chief Commerical Officer, Bowery Farming
Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA-7), House Education and Workforce Committee with Darren Thompson, Chief Financial Officer, Bowery Farming
"Every tour with a policymaker is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression not just about the great work your company is doing but the role that the fresh produce industry is playing to improve the lives of consumers, communities and the planet by growing healthy, nutritious food more sustainably."
Colin O'Neil
Director of Public Policy and Social Impact
New York, New York
Pacific Coast Fruit Company Tour
Questions or want to connect on the phone about your tour contact Angela Tiwari or 202.303.3416